Murthy mansion 

A  traditional yet modern house. Where every morning starts with pooja . 

A lady around 50 standing at the kitchen door while biting her nails in tension . Because her daughter in law is COOKING breakfast for everyone one . The lady is none other than Mrs. Ishita Murthy.

Ish:- ( to herself ) ayyappa .. please save my family from this delicious breakfast ( note the sarcasm ) . I don’t know what happened when everyone got to know that today’s breakfast is prepared by mukti . ( Joints her hand together and prays to god ) . Gives us strength to digest this food, aiyappa….

She moves towards her lovely daughter. For trying one last time to stop her from making a disaster in the kitchen . 

Ish:- Mukti , why are you troubling yourself? Let me prepare food , you go and call everyone for breakfast . 

Muk:- mom there is no trouble when you work for your family . You go and sit outside and have some light snacks , today let me do cooking . 

Ish:- but mukti why…..

Mukti doesn’t let her complete. She dragged her mother into the living room , made her sit on the sofa and gave her some light snacks and coffee Which Ishita took worriedly. Then Mukti again moves towards the kitchen to complete her task leaving Ishita who is mummering prayers. 

After 1/2 an hour a man well dressed in office attire came towards Ishita who was sitting on the sofa and reading the newspaper. The man is none other than her husband MR.RAMAN MURTHY.

Raman quietly moves towards her back and kisses her cheek tightly, startling her. Ishita made a horrified face while her husband was smiling. Raman sat beside her and started nuzzling in her neck. Which is his favorite job. Whereas Ishita tries to come out from his hold which is very tight. 

Ish:- Raman leave me , someone will come . 

But this doesn’t have any effect on him, he continued his romance. They both startled after listening to the loud throat-clearing sound. Which comes from their beloved sons. 

Abhimanyu and cabir standing just behind the sofas with teasing smirks. Ishita blushes hard seeing their smirks , but Raman gives them angry glares for disturbing his  romance. 

Ca:- ( teasingly ) dad don’t you think abhi bhai is quite old for holding his another sister or brother .

Abhi widened his eyes after listening to his brother’s statement. Ishita has a tough time controlling her blush . Raman as usual glaring at them but after listening to the cabir he too starts blushing . 

Abhi:- ( surprised ) appa you are blushing .

Ram:- ( after coming from his blushing phase ) can’t you both come, after sometime . 

Ca:-( innocently ) why appa ? we disturbed something very important . 

Without replying , Raman takes Ishita’s hand and moves towards the dining table .Here , both brothers laughed at their parents’ expense .

Everyone came and settled on the dining table in their usual place . After sometime cabir asked. 

Ca:- mom what’s for breakfast ? Please bring fast. I am damn hungry.  

Ish:- ( scared ) don’t know . 

Everyone got confused . 

Ram:- don’t know means 

Ish:- ( angrily ) don’t know means don’t know . 

Ca:- ( interrupting his parents bickering ) don’t know , why ? 

Ish:- ( scared ) becausetoday’sbreakfastis preparedbymukti .

Abhi:- mom from when you started speaking in French and from where you learnt this language. 

Ish:- ( angrily ) shut up !! I am not speaking in French . 

Ram:- so ishu speaks while giving proper space to each word so that we can understand easily.

Ish:- ( nodding her head ) today’s breakfast is prepared by mukti . ( After telling this she closed her ears ) 


This word is echoed in the mansion . Listening to their shout, mukti too came from the kitchen . 

Muk:- what happened ? 

Everyone shooks their heads.

Muk:- ok ….make yourself comfortable i will bring breakfast within 5 minutes . 

After that she left . 

In dining area

Abhi:- ( tensed ) mom why you let her enter the kitchen. 

Ca:- oh no ……now what happened to my baby stomach. ( Crying ) mom, I don’t want to spend my night in hospital. 

Ram:- ( scared ) ishu why did you let her cook? You know na whenever she makes food , we have to visit the doctor for check-up. 

Ish:- Raman i tried my best to stop her , but she is not ready to come out from the kitchen. 

Abhi:- doll’s ayyappa please save me ..( seeing towards ceiling ) 

Raman and cabir together :- if my princess/ baby sis ,  is here na , she will definitely save me from this torture.

In the meantime mukti came from the kitchen with breakfast . Everyone got silent . And gave a fake smile to her. Mukti placed the breakfast on the table . 

Muk:- appa , maa please start 

Everyone nods their head unwantedly . 

Ram:- ( acting ) ohh no….. how can i forget , today i am having a very important meeting , so i have to leave , i am getting late . ( Getting up from the chair ) 

Ishita , cabir , and abhi gave him an accusing look because he is leaving them alone with mukti’s food . 

Muk:- appa  eat something then leave , how can you attend a meeting with an empty stomach . 

Ram:- don’t worry mukti , i will have my breakfast in office . 


Ram:- bye everyone ( smiling ) 

He ran from there immediately giving his wife and sons a victory smile . 

Ish:- mukti i also don’t want to have anything , 1/2 an hour back i have coffee with snacks . You serve them and don’t let them leave before eating . ( Mischievously ) 

Abhi and cabir see her shockingly . Ishita runs from there saving herself.  

Muk:- ji mom , ( turn towards abhi ) abhi i make your favourite chole bhature for the very first time .

Abhi:-( lovingly ) really muku .  I love you baby , but there is no need to do all this. I know you don’t like to cook . 

Muk:- aww ……abhi i know that , but i want to learn cooking for you . So that I can make your favourite food daily. 

Ca:- ( to himself ) if she really wants to cook for bhai only so why does she make everyone eat food made by her. I really pity my brother. He has to eat this tasteless food , thank god navya knows how to cook .  

He comes out from his thoughts after listening to Mukti’s voice who is asking him to start his breakfast . He sees towards his plate then he turns his gaze toward his bhai to have a look at his expressions . Seeing his expressions he got to know that the food is damn yummy ( don’t forget the sarcasm ) . 

Muk:- how is it abhi ? 

Abhi:-( controlling his cough ) it’s amazing! baby, i feel like eating all this by myself. 

Muk:- thank you , you can eat how much you want . ( Turn towards cabir ) cabir, why haven’t you started yet? 

Ca:- i am eating . ( Crying ) (to himself ) navya’s matarani why ? I know you love your navya , but i am going to be her husband so have some mercy on me too. I don’t want to die so soon , if I die then what will happen to my navya and Manik who will love him the way I do , who will kiss him , who will save him from this cruel world. 

After having not so delicious food . Mukti goes into the kitchen for some work , leaving two brothers in the living room . 

Ca:- bhai i have a confusion . 

Abhi:- ( raising his eyebrows asking what ) 

Ca:- ( dramatically ) bhai why mukti keep karwa chauth fast when she herself attempts to kill you by making such a delicious food. 

And he runs from there after seeing his bhai’s angry eyes . After sometime Abhi left for the office in between he dropped mukti to her fashion studio . 

Murthy industries 

In raman’s cabin

All the three murthys having their breakfast while keeping their work aside . 

Ca:- appa you are very  lucky because you don’t eat mukti’s food . Bhai hats off to you , i mean who will eat that OVER DELICIOUS FOOD. 

Abhi:- cabir shut up . Food is not that bad . 

Ca:- ya ya it’s extra salty , extra spicy and over cooked , ohh sorry jala hua khanna ( burned food ) on a serious note bhai she cooks only for you , so why do we get tortured? 

Ram:- right ! You know na abhi, last time I ate biryani made by mukti , after that I got sick.

Cabir laughs remembering the day . 

To be continued…

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