4. FAB5

Parking lot

Fab4 is waiting for Manik from the last 15 minutes. And cursing him for making them wait. 

Muk:- (tiredly)Alya , are you sure that you remind him about the meeting ? 

Al:- yes!!!  , even i told him to be on time . But I don’t know why he is not here till now. ( Seeing time in her wrist watch ) 

Muk:-( irritated ) cabir why are you not calling him? 

Ca:-( eating chips while sitting on the car’s bonnet ) as if he will pick my call and apologize for making us wait. We can’t do anything except wait for him . 

Dhu:-guys….. Why are you getting hyper , he must be stuck in traffic . Let’s wait for more 10 minutes , if he still hasn’t come then I will call him . 

Muk:-( angrily ) let him come , i will kill him . 

Ca:-( casually in low voice ) by making him eat food made by you ? 

Muk:- ( unsure ) cabir you said something ? 

Ca:- ( nervously ) whatt…me? no! nothing. 

After what felt like eternity , Manik came after 5 minutes. He parked his car and moved towards his gang ,  Who had different expressions on their faces . Dhruv is casual , mukti is very much angry because of him they have to wait , Alya is also angry because of him they got late for the meeting . And at last cabir, whose expressions are not readable at all .

Manik stood in front of them , and Cabir ran towards him and engulfed him in a hug . Manik stood there dumbfoundedly . Cabir hugged him more tightly and place his both legs on his waist, making him stumbled and he squealed like a girl who met her boyfriend after a decade. Fab3 stood there with a wide open mouth . And Manik, he is just pushing cabir though his waist irritatingly . 

Ma:- ( irritated ) cabir what are you doing ? Get off from me , you’re weighted like a rhinoceros . 

Fab3 giggles on his remark. 

Ca:-( getting off from him but don’t leave him ,  encircled his both hands around his neck ) uff baby you know from how long i am waiting for you . I don’t even eat anything because of you. 

Muk:- ohh really cabir , just a few minutes ago you ate 2 packets of chips and now saying that you don’t even eat. Seriously !! 

Dhruv and Alya too give positive nods . 

Ca:- ( dramatically , gives an accusing look to them and turns his attention towards Manik ) baby you trust me naa ? They all are lying . How can I eat without you?

With this he kisses his cheek , trying to act like a romantic girlfriend . But within seconds everyone hears a painful groan . 

Manik, who is till now listening to his useless talks , got shocked when he kissed his cheek . But he came back to his senses when he heard some painful groans . He looked forward and saw Alya punched cabir on his side waist and he fell down on the floor with a thud . 

Everyone looked towards Alya , with an open mouth.  And why not ? Because it’s the first time they saw Alya in a violent Avatar. Dhruv fastly moved towards cabir and helped him to stand. 

Ca:-. ( Scared ) Alya why ?? 

He has no words to say anything after this. 

Al:-( aggressively ) because no one had the right to kiss my brother except my soon to be bhabhi. ( Possessively ) 

Manik, Dhruv , mukti giggled knowing how possessive Malhotras are for their loved ones. 

Ca:- ( painfully ) how can i forget that possessiveness runs in MALHOTRA’S blood .

Listening to him everyone laughed at his painful voice which is very rare . 

Ma:-( laughing ) ohhh my baby got hurt …… Let me give you a kiss after that you feel good . ( Move towards cabir while pouting his lips ) 

When Cabir saw him approaching , he moved backward and shouted NOOOO . Because he surely doesn’t want another punch from Alya.  Everyone laughed more on his scared face . Cabir made a very bad face seeing them laughing at his expense . 

Ca:- ( narrowing his eyes towards mukti ) now  you don’t get late for meeting mukti . 

Mukti is surely his bhabhi but she is his friend first . 

Everyone agreed and moved towards the studio. After at least 2 hours they completed the meeting and moved towards their own studio for some important discussions and for spending some quality time. 


It’s just a small studio where only a restroom and their music room is available . But this simple jam room is not just simple as it looks , it has luxurious interiors . Room walls are filled with their group pics. one wall  has some greeting cards or photo frames which they received from their fans .There is not only rock but classical instruments are  also available . For them music is not only rock , even sometimes they play classical to keep their mind fresh . 

They entered inside but the cabir stopped in mid , everyone looked towards him . 

Ca:- you go inside i have some important work , i will be back . 

Everyone nods their head in understanding and moves forward. They settled on the bean bags which are available in the studio and just randomly chatted. After half an hour later the cabir entered inside while holding 5-6 cold drink bottles , 4-5 pizza boxes . Everyone turns their gaze towards him and nods their head in disbelief . 

Al:- seriously cabir this is your important work . How much you will eat , you had 2 chips packets in the car and now this . 

Ma:- ( mischievously )  cabir Don’t take your profession too  seriously man , you are a drummer who plays drums but please don’t become one. ( Everyone laughs ) 

Ca:-( angry tone ) salle ……….

Ma:-woh tu hain mera ( in low voice ) 

Ca:-( confused ) what ?? 

Ma:- nothing leaves it . 

Ca:- for your kind information i bought this not only for me but for us.  

Muk:- you did a great job devar ji . I am damn hungry . 

Ca:- and yess miss compact, for me this is my very important work . For food I can leave navya too . 

Al:- ( angrily ) you dumbo don’t call me that .

Everyone laughs at cabir’s bickering . Just than mukti’s phone rings , she goes aside to talk . After completing her call she came back.

Muk:- guy’s mom called me to invite you guys for dinner at our home . Because Raj and nyo aunty are also coming for a family gathering . 

Ma:- why ? 

Muk:- she said Nandini has something important to say to all of us so she called everyone for dinner tonight. Navya is also coming . 

Manik already guessed what she was going to say . 

Al:- ( excited ) omg really , i am very much excited to hear her voice after so long . 

Dhr:- ya …we don’t have a proper conversation with her. She is so busy in her studies that she forgot us . ( Sadly ) 

Ma:- nothing is like this buddy,  you know how much she is ambitious about her career . 

Muk:- now leave this emotional topic . You guys are coming for dinner tonight and I am gonna cook dinner for you . 

Listening to this horrible announcement , Manik choked on his drink which he was having . Cabir falls down from the chair hurting his bums badly . Dhruv instead of taking a pizza bite , bit his tongue which caused him to whimper in pain. Alya gulped her saliva and gave everyone a sympathetic look . 

Al:- ( trying to save everyone ) mukti you always cook for them  , but what about me? No , today you have to make salads and soup  for me . If you don’t agree then i am not coming for dinner . 

Muk:- oofo…alya….. Ok I am going to cook for you , now happy. 

Alya smiles in return . Boys give her  “”GIRL YOU TOOK MY HEART”” look . Cabir literally lied on the floor in front of Alya and touched her legs.  

Ca:- ( dramatically ) everyone says right . Goddesses live in girls . 

Alya , Manik and Dhruv giggled. Mukti stood there in confusion . 

Mukti:- guys i forgot to tell that we have to pick navya too from the radio station . She is waiting for us there. 

Ca:- oh my mata…..( Dramatically ) my shakuntala is waiting for me and i don’t have any idea about it . Let’s go guys. 

Everyone stood from their seats moving towards the exit giving a damn to cabir . He too follows them with a cute pout . 

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