Manik is working in his cabin while Nandini is enjoying the little duties of being a wife at home. She is arranging their cupboard and dusting their room with a big grin. All this was a dream for her. She is endorsed in her work until Suhana comes to inform her. 

Suhana:- Nandini, there is someone at the gate who is asking to meet Manik baba. 

Nandini:- but Manik is not at home. 

Suhana:- ya… the guards said the same but they are adamant to talk to you before going back. 

Nandini:- ( confusingly ) Who are they? Do you know them?

Suhana:- no…. 

Nandini:- ok, let them in. I will see. 

Suhana:- No… we can’t let anyone enter inside when you are alone according to Baba’s orders. That’s why the guards are calling you outside. 

Nandini nods at Manik’s possessiveness and walks out to see who is adamant to meet them. She descends the stairs while arranging her saree followed by Suhana. 

On the other hand, The Dixits and Malhotras reached the address given by Cabir. They got to know that Manik was not at home, so they waited for Nandini to come out. Soon they witness a small petite figure walking towards them while talking to another lady. 

The lady’s saree, her nuptial chain, the thick stroke of vermillion, and her henna-clad hands were adorned with a bunch of red wedding bangles making her look heavenly. And her walking attitude shows her class. All the eyes present at the door were wide seeing THE QUEEN walking down. 

The family members were just adoring her except a few. Yashoda is dancing seeing her granddaughter-in-law in the most heavenly way. 

Soon Nandini’s eyes fall on the family members who are standing beside the guards and seeing everyone her body just froze in its place. Although she met them once, but their pictures print on her heart and how can she forget Manik’s family. 

Arjun sensed her numbness seeing Malhotras that’s why he walks ahead and shook her to bring her back. 

Arjun:- ( softly ) Nandini……… 

Nandini:- ( like a whisper ) B…..Bhai….. ( Brother ) 

Arjun’s eyes teared up but he controlled those traitors. This is not the first time that he heard BHAI from her mouth but this time this word means everything to him. This time the word held new meaning for him. Not caring about anyone he took her in his arms, hugging her tightly, compensating for all the years. 

While on the other side, Nandini held him closer and smiled slightly. 

Nandini:- welcome back, Bhai. 

She welcomes him with a broad smile while Arjun kisses her forehead making her a little confused about his emotional side. 

Nandini:- ( worriedly ) everything alright? 

Arjun:- ( smilingly ) much better. 

Nandini nods and walks toward the rest. She bends down to take the elders’ blessing who blessed the newly wedded bride except for a few who cringed their faces seeing her. 

Nandini:- ( sweetly ) why are you guys standing outside? Please, come inside……. 

Innaya:- ( rudely ) your security wouldn’t even let us go a step ahead from here. Then, how can we come inside? 

Her rude tone couldn’t go well with Suhana, Arjun, and Asha. Nandini too felt negative vibes from her but she let it go for the family. And somewhere she felt that it was their fault too. That’s why she joins her hand and bends her head to apologize to Vishember. 

Nandini:- I am sorry! For what you have gone through because of us. I am extremely sorry. 

Yashoda:- shh….. Nandini, it’s not your fault. So just chill. 

Security guard:- ( to Nandini ) Mam, we can’t let them in without sir’s permission. It’s sir’s strict order. 

Nandini:- they are OUR FAMILY. They meant no harm to me and your sir won’t say anything to you. So, relax! 

Saying this she passes him a warm smile making him nod. On the other hand, the family looks at her with pride because she still considers them as her family when they behave very badly with her. 

Nandini:- ( to Malhotra’s ) Come…… 

She leads them the way inside but Innaya walks ahead with an attitude like she owns the house. And from her point of view, she is the owner of the house because it belongs to her Manik. This behavior of hers couldn’t go well with Suhana as she somewhere insulted Nandini. 

Nevertheless, everyone settled down in the living area and admired the house. Innaya’s eyes come out of their sockets seeing the beauty of the house while Nandini walks into the kitchen to fetch water for everyone. 

Innaya:- ( while admiring the house ) Wow!……… Manik bought such a brilliant property…….. 

Suhana smirks naughtily hearing her and says to take revenge for Nandini’s insult. 

Suhana:- ya….. It’s a pretty house with good and modern interiors but Nandini made this a home. Let me tell you a secret mam…… Manik baba bought this house for HIS WIFE…… I mean Nandini. As she wished to have the house of her dreams, Manik baba fulfilled her dream. Manik baba loves her so much that I can’t even tell you. His eyes speak volumes about her. 

Innaya fumed in anger listening to Nandini’s praise from her but Yashoda and Kiran appreciate her talks and dance as they get one more member in their team who can show Innaya her place. 

Nandini:- ( passing them the glass of water ) water……. 

Divya caresses her hair after taking her glass-making her confused again. 

Varsha:- ( rudely ) Where is Manik? 

Nandini:- He is in the office, aunty Ji. 

Varsha:- Call him and ask him to come back. I want to meet my son. 

Yashoda gets angry seeing Varsha’s rude behavior toward Nandini and scolds her in front of everyone, making her embarrassed. 

Yashoda:- this is the way to talk to your daughter-in-law, Varsha? Did any manners left inside you or did you sell all these in the market? She is being sweet with you after taking such harsh words which shows her manners but you forgot everything. 

Yashoda shakes her head in displeasure while Nandini has no words to say. She is already feeling awkward between them as she knows that no one likes her being Manik’s wife. But now this won’t affect her as only Manik matters to her. Ignoring everything, she took her phone to dial Manik’s number but Innaya stopped her with a fake smile. 

Innaya:- Nandini, give Manik’s number to me. I will call him. You know he is my childhood friend so, he won’t deny me. 

Nandini takes a back hearing her because she knows Manik, he won’t pick up any unknown call. But she is in a dilemma as she can’t even deny it in front of anyone. So, for a safer side, she gives his number to Innaya making her smirk devilishly. All this again won’t go well with Suhana who is mad at that little crack piece that tries to invade the couple. 

Innaya dialed Manik’s number showing her new smartphone to Nandini trying to make her jealous who didn’t even give her a damn and was busy with Asha. Her first ring went unanswered making her scowl in anger. Then, the second ring again went unanswered, and Manik cut her third call making her mad. 

Asha:- ( with a naughty smirk ) What happened, Innaya? 

Innaya:- he is not picking up the call. Maybe he is busy. 

Asha:- oh…….. ( to Nandini ) Nandini…… 

Nandini:- Ji….? 

Asha:- you call him once, maybe he will pick up your call. 

Nandini nods knowing what will happen if she calls him back home. She knows her romantic husband. He won’t let a single second pass without teasing her. After gulping a lump she calls his number who picks up the call on the first ring as if he was waiting for her call only. 

Nandini:- ( sweetly with a big smile which was noticed by everyone ) Hello Manik…… 

Innaya fumed in anger while Suhana taunted her. 

Suhana:- Manik baba proves that the wife holds the higher position as compared to any CHILDHOOD FRIEND. He can be busy for his friend but for his wife he is always free. Right, Innaya mam? 

Innaya turned her face away showing her displeasure while some ladies giggled seeing her situation. 

Other hand, in the office, Manik smiles brightly seeing the caller ID and picks up the call another second. While answering the call he closed the file on which he was working seconds ago and slumped down on his chair. 

Manik:- ( hurriedly showing his busy self ) Hello, Mrs. Malhotra…… say what you want to say and be fast. I am busy. 

Nandini rolls her eyes exactly knowing how busy he could be. But she didn’t answer him as she has an audience whose attention is only on her. 

Nandini:- come home now!  

Manik couldn’t believe his ears and that’s why ask again. 

Manik:- what? 

Nandini rolls her eyeballs again and repeats herself whereas everyone is just assuming things seeing her expressions. 

Nandini:- Manik, Come home. 

The phone slips from Manik’s hold hearing his wife. 

To be continued…

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5 thoughts on “49. THE STORM!”

  1. Nandani should atleast take a stand for her own self respect yaar she is being too innocent please should take a stand for her self respect

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