Nandini:- ( Innocently ) Bhai, I WANT TO GET MARRIED. 

Cabir pressed the brake stopping the car with a jerk and the little Pihu hurt her forehead because of the brake but this time Nandini is important so they all focus on her. 

Navya:- ( Freaked out ) Oh My God!… She is having fits! Cabir, take a U-turn we have to reach back to the hospital right now. 

Nodding his head in affirmation, he swiftly takes a U-turn ignoring his sister who is trying to say something. 

Cabir:- ( Frustratingly ) Why the hell doctors discharged her when she is not alright? ( Angrily ) I will sue them for taking my sister for granted. ( Banging his fist on the steering wheel ) I will ban the stupid university that gave them a doctor’s certificate!

In this chaos, no one noticed the little Pihu who lost her ability to think anything. She is trying to figure out the words her Bui said but there was no hidden meaning in them which makes her cry. 

Pihu:- ( Murmurs ) Now, what will happen to Shy boy?

Whereas Nandini rolled her eyes tiredly and yelled, making them deaf. 


Pihu:- Then, stop giving us a heart attack. Unfortunately, we all have a single heart that is close to us. 

Cabir:- ( Giving her accusing looks ) I will be a little surprised if you say that you wanted to be a mom before the wedding because it was your way to shock me but NOW YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED! Really? 

Navya could not agree more with her husband.

Nandini:- First, let’s go home then, we will talk freely, ok? We have to discuss so many things. 

Cabir:- ( Looking at her, worriedly ) I don’t think that it is the best option. We should consult a brain specialist for you because nowadays you are behaving differently. 

Nandini:- Bhai!

Saying this she gives him a stern look which is enough for all to stay silent and follow her order. Within 30 minutes they reach their home and are settled in a living area in a circle to hear Nandini. 

Nandini:- I wanted to get married so, what is the big deal in this?

Navya:- This is a big deal. Until yesterday, you ran away from the topic of marriage and now you want to get married. 

Pihu:- ( Giving accusing looks to her Bui ) Bui, you want to get married, why? Can’t you see how Mumma and Papa run behind each other’s neck to kill? ( Dejectedly ) Still, you want to marry? 

Navya smacked her daughter’s head, making her wince while Nandini kissed her cheek to bring a smile back to her lips. 

Nandini:- ( Authoritatively ) Bhai, I want to marry so, look for a groom right away. 

Cabir:- ( While making a bad face ) WHY DO YOU WANT TO SPOIL ANYONE’S LIFE BY MARRYING HIM?

Hearing her brother, Nandini’s jaws dropped to the floor but she didn’t miss some kind of insecurity in his eyes. She understands his inner turmoil and is ready to take it out. 

Nandini:- Bhai, say what is in your heart. 

Cabir:- ( Signed ) You are still a kid, Princess. 

Nandini:- Oh god! Bhai, I am a 25-year-old girl, not a kid anymore. 

Cabir:- ( Argues, cutely ) But you still watch TOM AND JERRY. 

Nandini:- So?

Cabir:- You still love Bourn-vita milk and you get mad when you don’t have that. 

Nandini:- What is the relation between milk and the wedding? 

Pihu:- Offo, Bui, Don’t you know the bride serves milk to the groom on their wedding night? So, will you serve your husband Bourn-vita milk? 

Nandini:- ( Curiously ) What is wrong with that? Can’t he do the same thing after having Bourn-vita? 

Navya:- ( Angrily ) We are getting off track, guys. ( Hitting her daughter ) It seems like you have an experience of the first night, Pihu. 

Pihu:- ( Sheepishly ) Woh… I saw this in my favorite TV show. 

Cabir:- From now on, no one will watch any shows. Am I clear? 

Nandini:- ah… No one will follow this rule. 

Navya shakes her head while Cabir walks out declaring his decision, authoritatively. 

Cabir:- No one is getting married here. Nandini, you are still small so focus on your career. 

Nandini looks at her Bhabhi with a pout and both share a knowing look while Pihu just notices everything. 

Navya:- I think you guys need to talk over your favorite Maggi. 

Nandini smiles happily and prepares the instant noodles for her Bhai and goes to the terrace where her brother is hiding. She steps onto the terrace and finds him crying silently in the corner. 

Nandini:- ( Sings, hiding her giggles ) Babul ka yeh ghar behena kuch din ka thikana hai…

Cabir:- Shut up!… This is not a joke, Nandini. 

Nandini giggles seeing him annoyed and wipes his tears, making him realize that he is crying for so long. 

Nandini:- Pushpa, I hate tears ree…

Instead of controlling himself, he cries harder hugging her so tightly that if he loses his hold on her she will vanish in thin air. 

Cabir:- I don’t want to let you go… I love you so much, Princess. 

Nandini:- Bhai, I am not going anywhere. 

Cabir:- ( Rubbing his nose on her shoulder ) No, I know, you will leave me just like Maa-Papa did. 

Nandini breaks the hug and wipes his tears.

Nandini:- If you don’t want then, I won’t go away from you but you have to bear me all your life. 

Cabir:- I will cherish you like a princess till my last breath.

Nandini:- ( Angrily ) And I will make you take your last breath right now if you again think about death. 

Cabir giggles with tears, making her scoff tiredly. 

Cabir:- Do you love me so much? 

Nandini:- I don’t love you. It’s just that I don’t want any other sister to have a stupid brother like you. I am unlucky to get a good brother but I don’t want anything bad for others. 

Cabir elbowed her angrily, making her laugh which brought a smile to his face too. 

Cabir:- ( Looking at the stars ) I can’t be selfish, right? One day you have to leave me and have to go with your husband. ( After a pause ) I never thought about your wedding till now because I can’t imagine a morning without you eating my brain. 

Nandini puts her head on his shoulder and snuggles in his neck like a doll. 

Nandini:- I know, I will stay away from you and will have my own family but that doesn’t mean I will forget about you. I can never forget MY BHAI who spends his days and nights providing me with a better living. ( Whispers cutely ) Shall I tell you a secret?

Cabir looked at her with a curious gaze and held her property in his arms to keep her warm on a chilly night. 

Nandini:- I may love my husband, mother-in-law, and father-in-law but I COULD NEVER LOVE ANYONE THE WAY I LOVE YOU. ( Mischievously ) And eating your brain is my favorite hobby which I will never leave. 

Cabir:- ( Raising his eyebrows, suspiciously ) Husband, Father-in-law, and Mother-in-law… so, Who is the guy, Princess? 

Hearing his question, Nandini’s eyes popped out of their sockets as he smartly caught her words. She palms her lips cutely making a cute O shape face. 

Nandini:- I was just thinking of telling you…

Cabir:- When were you going to tell me? 

Nandini:- ( Smiles sheepishly ) When I will fix the marriage date with him, maybe. 

Cabir:- ( Sarcastically ) Oh… Is not it too early to tell me? ( Sternly ) Tell me about him. 

Nandini:- ( Dreamingly ) Cute, handsome, loyal, and introverted. A total opposite of me. 

Cabir:- If he is the opposite of you, that means He has a brain. Then, why did HE choose you? 

Nandini:- Who said that my love was a male?

Cabir:- ( Exclaimed ) What the hell!… Are you in love with a girl? 

Nandini:- Unfortunately, I am straight and in love with the most humble guy. That was the answer to your weird comments. 

Cabir:- ( Surrenders, making an angry pout ) No weird replies, I promise. Tell me, does he love you back? 

Nandini:- ( Smilingly ) Yes, He loves me the most. I can see love in his eyes for me but ( Pouts cutely ) he went on some guilt trip. I will bring him back on track soon and make him confess his love for me. 

Cabir:- If he didn’t agree then? 

Nandini:- Don’t you know that your sister is a karate champion? ( With her all-time mischievous shine ) The world reads news about the bride getting kidnapped but now they will see how a bride kidnapped her love and married him at gunpoint. 

Cabir:- ( Scaredy ) God gave him the strength to bear MY HEADACHE. ( To Nandini ) I want to meet him. 

Nandini:- Not possible, until I bring him on track. 

Cabir:- At least tell me his name. 

Nandini:- No!… Just look for a decent guy for me. 

Cabir:- Why will I look for a guy when you already have someone else in your life?

Nandini:- Uffo, Bhai,  You are a tube light. You have to pretend that you are looking for a guy for your sister who recently went through a heartbreak. 

Cabir:- What is running in your naughty brain, Princess? 

Nandini smirks devilishly and walks out singing a melodious song giving him a stressful night. He comes out from his thoughts when Navya shakes him. 

Navya:- What happened? 

Cabir looks at her like a lost puppy and hugs her tightly. 

Cabir:- Am I doing right? I don’t want to let her go away but it’s her right to have her own family just like I had. I want her to have a husband who will love her as I do but at the same time, I want to be selfish and want to keep her with me always. 

Navya:- Cabir, no one can change the fact that she is your sister whom you treat like your first daughter. She will always be your first daughter even if she has her own daughter. 

Cabir:- ( Like a kid ) I don’t know what I have to do. 

Navya:- Trust me, support her in everything. You will be super happy seeing her happy at the end and her happiness lies in that BOY. 

Cabir:- Are you sure?

Navya:- 200 percent!

To be continued…

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6 thoughts on “46. THE MARRIAGE PLAN!”

  1. Cabir and nandini’s bond is so beautiful strong and admirable love the way they care and have love for each other 🫶
    Awesome update love it …

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