10. SURPRISE ( 1 )
Finally the day has arrived . Nandini is all ready to surprise her monster but right now she has to convince her family to let her go to pune.
After lots of arguments Nandini finally convinced her family . And moves towards her car after taking lots of advice on what to do or not .
She starts her journey at 5am in the morning and reaches Pune around 8 o’clock after 2 hrs and 50 minutes drive . She fastly moves inside the house and directly moves towards the kitchen and gives off to all the servants. And herself starts preparing Manik’s favourite breakfast.
After preparing the breakfast she moved towards the guest room and got fresh . She changed her dress and wore Manik’s favourite colour saree and applied kohl with red lipstick which he likes . She kept her hair at right side and made a loose braid . After having a last look of herself in the mirror she moves towards her final destination, that is manik’s room .

After entering the room she sees him sleeping comfortably on the left side of bed while hugging the pillow. She moves towards him and makes herself comfortable behind him . After settling down she starts caressing his hairs softly and moves towards his ear and whispers softly .
Nan:- ( huskily ) good morning my valentine .
Manik stirred in his sleep listening to his favourite husky voice. He turned his head towards Nandini and slightly opened his eyes to see the owner of the voice. After taking a small glimpse of her he again turned his head on his original position and slept .
Whereas Nandini is continuously smiling but frowned when Manik ignores her presence. She again called him and shook his arms in order to wake him up.
Manik again opened his eyes because of continuous shaking. He turned his attention towards Nandini and kept staring at her . Nandini giggles silently seeing his sleepy eyes.
Nandini moves her right hand and crace his cheek and drops a kiss on his forehead.

Manik keeps staring at her with unknown emotions . When the realisation hits him he fastly moves and tries to get up but in this process he falls down from the bed.
Seeing him falling, Nandini laughed out loud . Manik came back into reality due to his fall and Nandini’s sound. He starts rubbing his bum because it hurts him so much.
Ma:-( crying face ) auuuu…..maa it hurts ( rubbing his bum )
Nandini laughs more loudly listening to his hissing .
Nan:- ( laughing ) awww…… Baby ko lag gayi (awwww……baby got hurt )
Seeing her laughing, Manik narrowed his eyes and glared at her. But these angry glares don’t have any effects on her. Seeing her laughing, Manik got some mischievous idea. He quickly stands straight and pushes Nandini on bed so that her back lies straight on bed and he hovers over her keeping both of his hands around her head, caging her in his arms . He pressed his weight on her little bit , trying not to hurt her.
All this happened so fast that Nandini didn’t get any chance to run. Manik kept staring at her, making her go weak .

Ma:- is it a dream ? Or you are really in my arms.
Nandini smiles listening to him and sneaks her hands around his neck locking it behind .
Nan:- what do you think ?
Ma:- I think it’s a dream , if I blink my eyes you will disappear. And I don’t want that.
Nandini smiles brightly knowing his situation. He is still not able to believe that she is real in front of him. She moved slightly upward and nuzzled her nose in his left cheek and bit it hard. He is so much into her that he forgot when Nandini bit his cheek.
Ma:- ouch…… ( Rubbing his cheek ) are you real ??
Nan:- ( irritated ) you still think it’s a dream. ( Hitting his chest with her small hands )
Ma:- are you real ?……. ( Widened eyes ) You are in front of me in real life !!
It is the biggest shock for him. Because the dream which he saw came true in front of him. He roams his eyes in the room to know where he is exactly . But when realisation hit him , he sat straight in front of Nandini .
Ma:- ( shocked + surprised ) what are you doing here ? When did you come and how ? why ?
Manik continuously asks questions like when , why , how , Making Nandini frustrated. She got up too and hit his chest hard but this is not painful for him at all .
Nan:- ( angrily ) This is the way you treat your girlfriend when she meets you after so long. And what type of questions you are asking. HOW? Really !!! ( With attitude ) Dude, I am a human too who has legs to walk. And for god’s grace, I have money too to book my flight tickets to reach wherever I want to. And why ?? Seriously…. today is valentine’s day. Instead of wishing me, you are asking some idiotic questions. I came here from seven miles away to surprise you and wear this saree for the very first time ( pointing towards her saree ) only for you.
Here, Manik’s expressions change from time to time. When he looked at her appearance, his breath hitched in his throat. He is seeing a goddess in front of him draped in his favorite color. Without any delay, he captured her lips in his for a kiss making her startled.
Nandini started responding but wasn’t able to match the level of his passion. He broke the kiss for just a millisecond to give her time to take a breath and again capture her lips for a kiss.
This time the kiss is too slow and filled with love . Both of them are sucking each other’s lips slowly .
After 2 minutes both broke apart and Manik pecked her lips two times before joining their foreheads with each other and closed their eyes to control their rising desires .
Ma:- ( still closed eyes ) happy valentine’s day love …..you are looking too hot and cute at the same time so that I am not able to control myself. ( Making her blush ) And if something happens na , it’s not my fault then. ( Cupped her both cheeks in his hand and placed a lovely kiss on her forehead ) It’s the best and most memorable surprise for me till now.
Nan:- ( blushing ) happy valentine’s day to you too monster ( giggles ) but the surprise is still not over yet .
And wink at him , making him more excited for further surprises.