Nan:- Dad, What if you find out that I hide something important from you all?………… Then will you get angry with me?

Ram:- ( caressing her hair ) a father never gets upset with his daughter. I know there would be some reason behind it. I will support you in every decision of yours because your happiness is what I want in the end.

Nan:-( excitedly, hugging him ) I LOVE YOU SO SOO MUCH, MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE. 

Ram:-( smirking ) really??

Without replying, Nandini hides her face in his chest.

Nan:- Dad, I will tell you soon. 

Raman giggles and kisses her head. He knows that she is talking about her and Manik’s relationship. He is proud of his daughter that she still cares for him and still her priority is the same.

Ram:- and I am waiting for it.

Suddenly Nandini’s phone rings, breaking the beautiful moment between daughter and father. She picked up her phone immediately but the caller’s name caught Raman’s attention. He cursed the person in his mind who broke his special moment with his daughter. 

Nan:-( on-call ) yaa .. you reached ? …. Ok Good night.

Ram:-( thought ) Manik Malhotra you won’t let me stay in peace, fine. I will put a mobile jammer in my house so that you will not be able to contact my daughter and break my peaceful moment.

Before he could say anything his phone buzzed with a message. Seeing the name of the sender he immediately opens it.

“Dear future father-in-law, as you already know that I reached home safely. Now don’t take tension. Sleep well and let my girlfriend sleep too. She is very tired, you know why 😉 .  Good night. Sweet dreams.”


Ram:-( childishly ) sweet dreams …..huh!!!…… How can I see sweet dreams when all I have is his washroom and his naked chest inside my head? Come on….. Raman, move on. Nowadays you thought a lot about Manik’s body.

He shook his head violently, removing Manik’s visions from his mind.

Nan:- What happened, dad?

Ram:- nothing… Baby, now you should sleep.

Nan:- Ji dad, good night.

Ram:-( kissing her forehead ) Good night. But first, get up and lock the door properly.

Saying this he goes out followed by Nandini. Raman stood outside the room until she locked the door from inside.

Ishita is waiting for Raman in their room while sitting on their bed with anger visible on her face. Seeing him entering inside she stood up immediately and thrust the duvet and pillow in his hand making him confused.

Ram:-( confusingly ) you are sleeping somewhere else?

Ish:-( frustratingly ) not me!!! You are going to sleep in the living room.

Ram:- me….. Why? Is there some leakage in the room? Don’t worry, tomorrow I will call the plumber. Tonight we will adjust. Now, move aside, I want to sleep.

Listening to his careless talks Ishita’s blood boils at extreme temperature. She pushed him out and locked the door instantly from inside.

Ish:- ( angrily ) you are not sleeping with me. Go and sleep with the one……. with whom you went to meet this late and are having an affair behind my back.

Ram:-( excitedly ) oh…. wow… I am having an affair ……. But why behind your back ….. I will have an affair in front of your eyes…….one second!!! ( Soon he registered her words and his expression changed from excited to shocked )




With whom??

Ish:- don’t act innocent, Raman. Cabir told me everything.

Ram:- Now, What story did he cook? ( face palmed ) first, open the door Ishu… There is something wrong. You know na… How is your son?

Ish:-( sarcastically ) Wow…. just wow!!!…. until yesterday he is your son. But when he told me about your true colors then he became my son, GREAT! ( angrily ) Raman, right now I am not in a mood to sleep with you. Go and sleep somewhere else.

Ram:-( shocked ) What do you mean by not in a mood to sleep with me? I am your husband, god damn it!!! You want or not you have to sleep beside me only. I am your only husband.

Ish:- ( with a lip-tight smile ) and this is my only regret.

Ram:- eeeeeeeeeee……….

Ish:- shut up!!!!

And this makes him quiet. He cried on his faith but is determined to make Cabir’s life hell. Angrily he marched towards Cabir’s room to see him having his sound sleep. His anger raised seeing him snoring while he was roaming here and there like a mad man.

Ram:- ( angrily ) see… How peacefully this potato head is sleeping after making me homeless no..no… Sorry ROOM LESS.

He shook his shoulder to wake him up but this did not affect his son. He again did the same and this time Cabir became frustrated and said.

Ca:- uf….. Navya, how many more rounds do you want? I am tired, baby. Sleep, we will continue this tomorrow. 

Ram:- ( mummers ) shameless creature….. I will see him tomorrow. Right now I need my beauty sleep.

Saying this he kicked him out of the bed and lay down in his place. Cabir is still in his dreamland, the kick and fall didn’t have any effect on him.

The next morning, everyone is having a chat after having breakfast. Suddenly Aryaman told everyone about his love for Nandini. His parents also ask for Nandini’s hand from Murthy’s. 

Cabir and Raman are glaring at Aryaman continuously because he dared to eye their little princess. If their eyes can kill a person then Aryaman would be hanged now.

Whereas Abhimanyu is watching their glaring session silently. He is expecting this only. There is nothing new in this. Everyone is well aware of their possessiveness and protectiveness for Nandini. In fact, he is feeling Pity for Aryaman because he is well aware of the fact that soon he is going to be hospitalized for keeping an eye on MURTHY’s daughter. 

Ca:- she is just a kid, Aryaman. How can you think about her like this?

Ary:- Cabir, she is not a kid anymore. She is mature enough to make any decision for herself. 

In all this Nandini is a silent spectator. She is not in a clear mindset to say anything. She doesn’t have any clue about Aryaman’s feelings. If she ever had any clue about it then she will surely keep some distance from him. Her expressions are noticed by Abhimanyu whose whole focus is only on her. 

Not liking the conversation about this alliance Nandini quietly walks towards her room without saying anything followed by her protective brother, Abhimanyu. Raman too wants to go behind her but right now he wants to tackle the boy who is claiming to love his daughter. 

Ram:- ( sternly ) Why do you love her?

Listening to his question Cabir looks at him with strange expressions and whispers in his ears.

Ca:- ( sternly ) if you are planning to make him Nandini’s husband then I am sorry you are not allowed to stay here. You can leave this house immediately.

Ram:-  For your kind information, I am not living in your house. In fact, You are living in my home. So, keep quiet and let me do my work.

Ary:- What type of a question is this?

Ca:- ( in an attitude ) answer it without asking any further questions.

Raman giggles hearing Cabir who is trying to sound stern but fails miserably.

Ary:- I love her because she is beautiful, intelligent, and independent. She has everything that a man wants in his better half.

Listening to him Raman smiles knowing his type of love.

Ca:- ( sarcastically ) you love her because she is beautiful or intelligent…Wow. My Navya is not beautiful, but I still love her. 

Raman chokes on water and says. 

Ram:- Today is your lucky day Cabir because Navya is not there.

Ish:- shut up you both …. Let’s focus on the main topic. 

Ram:- yaa……. See Aryaman, my answer for this alliance is a big NO….. I can’t let my daughter marry a boy who loves her look, not her heart. But still, I am waiting for her answer because she matters to me the most. 

Ca:- my answer is also a NO…

Muk:- Who asked for your opinion?

Cabir gives her a mean look and mummers “at least don’t insult me in front of your family” whereas  Mukti simply shrugs her shoulders.

Ashu:- we will wait for your decision, Mr.Murthy. Now, it’s time to leave. Yesterday I told my servant to clean our apartment and it’s done. So, we are planning to go there.

Ca:- ( un-interestingly ) yaa….. ( In a low voice ) leave before I kill your son. 

Ary:- Did you say anything, Cabir?

Without replying Cabir stood up and went towards Nandini’s room. Seeing this Ishita made a bad face. 

Muk:- ( mummers ) ufff….. Possessive brothers….. Please god, be with Nandini. She needs you because she is alone with her two stupid brothers. 

In Nandini’s bedroom

Nandini is sitting on her bed while lost in her thoughts. Abhi comes inside and kneels in front of her, taking her hands in his.

Abhi:- Nandini, look at me my bachha. You are free to make any decision for yourself. It’s totally your decision. We have faith in you. ( after a pause ) Look, he is a nice guy. We have known him for years. If you don’t have any guy in your life then give him a chance. Maybe you both are meant to be……… I am not saying to say yes to the marriage but you can give him a chance at least. 

Nandini is listening to him quietly without saying anything but she does not like the thought of being together. She is in a messed-up state right now. But one thought is cleared in her mind that she is only Manik’s.

Abhi patted her head and started to go out but Nandini’s sniff stopped him. He turned around and heard her saying.


To be continued…

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