Manik:- so it’s decided we all will financially contribute in our wedding. 

Nandini:- I will also contribute. 

Manik:- ( with a lip-tight smile ) Nandini, you are also included in all. 

Nandini gives him a sharp look but soon Ashok’s words get their attention.  

Ashok:- Manik and Nandini, now you guys can’t stay with each other till the wedding.

This fell like a bomb on the love birds. Manik almost shout at the top of his voice. 

Manik:- WHAT!!!!!!!!!! 

Cabir giggles knowing about the upcoming drama. Whereas Nandini holds Manik’s hand immediately trying to calm him down and asks from her Kaka. 

Nandini:- why, Kaku? 

Ashok:- Nandini, yeah eh rasam hai Jaha dulha aur dulhan sath nahi rehte shaadi se pahale. ( Nandini, it’s a ritual. That the bride and groom can’t stay with each other till the wedding ) 

Navya:- ( mischievously ) So Manik, when are you going to leave Nandini?

Manik looked at her with anger and almost shouted while gritting his teeth. 


Saying this he stormed out from the room like a hungry lion. He can do anything for Nandini except leaving her. He can’t even think of leaving her then forget about staying away from her. 

Here, Nandini looks down sadly because she is stuck in a do-or-die situation. She can’t stay away from Manik or can’t even oppose Kaku’s order who is like her father. But still, she tries to convince Kaku only for Manik. 

Nandini:- Kaku, can’t we skip this ritual?

Ashok:- Nandu, samajhne ki koshish karo. Hum yeah riti-riwaz badal nahi sakte apni marzi se. ( Nandu, try to understand it. We can’t change these rituals or customs as per our preferences )

Nandini:- but Kaku, he can’t stay away from me nor can I. I can’t even think of spending a day without him then how can I live for two months. 

Ashok:- Nandini, sirf do mahino ki hi baat hai. Kamse kam use manane ki koshish toh karo. ( Nandini, it’s about only two months. ( requesting ) At least try to convince him ) 

Now he requested, that’s why Nandini decided to at least try to convince Manik once. 

Nandini:- ok, but the final decision is always Manik’s, and I won’t force him to change it. 

Ashok nods and Nandini walks into her room to calm her monster. She enters inside only to find him walking to and fro angrily. Seeing his state she gulps down unknowingly. 

Nandini:- Manik…. 

Hearing her, Manik immediately turns around to face her and declares without giving her a chance to say anything. 

Manik:- if you come here to convince me to let you go somewhere then it’s a NO and you too drop the idea of going away from me. 

Nandini smiles and cups his face while placing her lips on his forehead.

With this gesture, he calmed down and tiredly wrapped his arms around her waist, caging her in his embrace. 

Manik:- ( like a kid ) Nandini, this is not fair. I can’t live without you. I want to marry you but I don’t want to let you go anywhere.   

Nandini:- but Manik it’s only for two months. 

Manik:- ( freak out ) Nandini, two months has 60 days. 

Nandini:- but after that, I will always stay with you….na. 

Manik:- NO…… and end this topic here. 

Nandini nods with a disbelieving look and Manik tightens his hold around her waist to stick her to himself. 

Nandini:- Then, what will I say to Kaku? 

Manik:- ( authoritatively ) clearly deny and say that Manik is not ready to let me go. If you will pressurize me then he will marry me on the spot. 

Nandini looks into his eyes to find the sincerity that’s why she banged her head on his stubbornness. 

Nandini:- By the way, I already knew your answers, that’s why I told them that your decision will be the last. 

Manik:- what if I let you go then, Will you go? 

Nandini:- ( mischievously ) why not!

Hearing her answer Manik looks at her with wide eyes. But soon his expression changes seeing her naughty smile. 

Knowing the consequences, Nandini moves back and prepares herself for a marathon. 

Manik:- ( with a devilish grin ) playing with me, haan….?

Not giving her a chance to run he reaches near her with long steps and picks her up in bridal style. Seeing his moves Nandini immediately encircles her arms around his neck. He twirls her around making her giggle on his madness.

Listening to her giggles, Manik’s sadness and anger went into the drain. He is now in the mood to play with her. 

He took her and threw her on the bed making her wince in slight pain. 

Nandini:- ouch…. Manik, it hurts. 

Saying this she rubs her bum, slightly where it hurts her. 

Manik:- come…… I will soothe your pain. 

Nandini widens her eyes seeing him who hovers over her completely. 

Nandini:- ( in a panicked tone ) Manik, the door is unlocked anyone can come. 

Manik:- let them come and see how much Manik loves his Nandini. 

Nandini:- huh!……….

She opens her mouth to say something but the words died because of her lover boy’s deeds. 

While here Manik roams his big rough hands on her back liberally but soon he cups her as* cheeks hitching her breath. He slightly rubs his hands over there and asks. 

Manik:- is it paining here? 

He snuggles on her neck while his hands are still doing their job on the same spot. 

His touches giving her an erotic feel because it’s the first time Manik is touching her over there. She hummed and closed her eyes to seek his presence and surrender herself to him. 

Seeing her non-responsiveness, Manik places his lips on hers and takes her for a loveable ride. With one hand he cups her face and with another hand, he pressed her as* cheek making her moan in the kiss. 

They break the kiss before it turns into the passionate one because of the continuous knock on the door. Manik groans angrily while Nandini takes deep breaths calming her hormones. 

Manik:- who the hell is knocking on the door like an impatient man? 

The reply comes from the other side of the door. 


Now, there is no doubt that the man is none other than CABIR. Hearing the reply Manik groaned more loudly and yelled on top of his tone while opening the door. 

Manik:- what do you want, Cabir? Can’t you let me be at peace? 

Cabir:- ( smirking ) oh shut up! You were not at peace. You were all over on Nandini. Am I right? Or I am right!

Manik encircled one hand around his neck and with another hand, he squeezed his cheeks tightly. 

Manik:- why do you always spoil my romance? Don’t you want to cherish your fatherhood? 

Cabir:- ( stammering because of Manik’s hold ) Kaku is calling you guys for lunch….. Manik, leave me…….. Nandini, save me, please. He is making my newborn daughter fatherless. 

Nandini:- eww…… Cabir, stop talking nonsense ( to Manik ) and Manik, leave him. 

Cabir laughs and thanks Nandini dramatically. 

Manik:- someday I will kill you with my bare hands, Cabir. 

Cabir makes a fake scared face only to tease him whereas Nandini leaves them alone on their own. 

Soon everyone is sitting together for lunch and Nandini tells them about their decision of not going away from each other. On this Kaka pressurizes Manik because he wants to live with her daughter before she becomes someone else’s. 

Manik:- but Kaka, you can still stay here with her or can spend time with her. What is the need to go anywhere? 

Nandini is not participating in this conversation because she can’t choose between the two important men in her life. Soon the intense discussion takes place at the dining table with a result that Nandini will stay with her Kaka only for one week before the wedding. On this Manik reluctantly agreed seeing Kaka’s stubbornness but still tries his luck one last time. 

Manik:- where you guys stay because no one has a place here except this house. ( to Ashok ) So, you have to stay here only with Nandini. 

Everyone pondered on this but Cabir came up with a solution. 

Cabir:- Kaka, you can stay with us. As me and Navya are shifting in our apartment which I bought. 

Nandini:- is that not under construction? 

Cabir:- No, it’s almost done. I already planned to tell this to everyone but then ( pointing Navya ) this happened and we all became busy with hospital stuff. 

Nandini:- wohh….. Congratulations brother. Our Kaira is indeed an angel because from when she came everything was happening so fast and well. 

Navya smiles hearing her daughter’s praises. While the other side Manik is cursing Cabir. 

Manik:- ( thoughts with a bad face ) first he spoiled my romance then he spoiled my plan too. I will not leave this guy alive. Some or the other day I will take my revenge, for sure. 

Ashok:- Bahut badiya ( very good )

Cabir:- ( hesitantly ) Kaka, I had a wish. 

Ashok:- sharmayo mat Cabir. Khulke bolo jo bhi bolna chahte ho. ( don’t hesitate, Cabir. Feel free to say whatever you want to )

Cabir:- um… can we do their wedding functions from my home. As I always wished to do that because Nandini is like my sister. I want to take responsibility for her wedding. Only if you agree. 

Ashok:- Mujhe kyu pareshani hogi, Cabir? Yeah tumhari bhi behan hai. Tum jo marzi chaho kar sakte ho agar tumhe lagta hai ki woh Nandini ke liye acha hai. ( why would I object, Cabir? She is your sister. You can do anything if you feel that this is good for her ) 

Cabir smiles beautifully and is hugged by the soon-to-be bride. 

Nandini:- you are the best brother. 

Everyone becomes emotional and Manik tries to change the atmosphere. 

Manik:- ( mockingly ) Cabir, at least do something for me so I can also say ( imitating Nandini ) you are the best brother. 

Cabir makes a poker face while the rest laughs at Manik’s accent. 

Ashok:- toh, kya hum shaadi ke liye  taiyar hai? ( so, are we ready for THE WEDDING? ) 

Everyone cheers happily making him deaf for a moment. 

To be continued…

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3 thoughts on “27. THE ROMANCE BREAKER!”

  1. Fabulous shot sis loved it waiting for the nxt update 💕❤💕❤💕💕❤💕❤❤💕💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕❤💕💕❤💕❤

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