In India, Arjun is happy as he is going to meet his sister but at the same time, he is scared and nervous too. He is nervous because Nandini doesn’t know anything that happened with her in childhood and above all, he fears that she will accept him as her brother or not. After concluding everything, he comes to the conclusion that no one will tell her about the past and the truth that she is Dixit’s daughter. This has two reasons. First, Nandini is a quiet introvert. She didn’t gel up with anyone soon that’s why he wants to give her enough time to gel with others. 

And the second one is, he wants to develop a strong bond between her and himself without telling her about her blood relations. In short, he didn’t want to burden her with all these relations. 

Arjun’s this idea comes like a blessing for Innaya as she got enough time to execute her plan to separate Nandini from Dixit’s and to win Manik back with the help of Varsha. 

Yes, Malhotra’s are also going with them to California to meet Manik and Nandini. They all were excited to meet their new daughter-in-law except Varsha who is totally controlled by Innaya.  

Vishember is guilty of what he did with Manik and he wants to apologize for the same. He wants to bring him and Nandini back. He knows that this is not going to be easy to win Manik back again as he is somewhere like him, with a stubborn head. He is also concerned for Manik and Nandini as Innaya is also coming with them. Now, he is aware of Innaya’s true colors but still, he chose to stay quiet because he didn’t want to ruin this happy moment of Arjun’s. 

Dixit’s and Malhotra’s boarded the flight to California and they all will land at their destination tomorrow afternoon. Arjun already called Cabir who informed him that Manik gifted a new house to Nandini as her wedding gift. He took the address from him with a promise that he will not tell about this to anyone, not even to Navya. 

Arjun is so happy seeing her sister getting so much love and respect from her husband. He knows that Manik is a gem of a person and today he proved that. He proved that no one can love Nandini the way he does. He is relaxed and wished for their happy married life. 

On the other hand, Innaya boiled in the pool of jealousy hearing that Manik gifted a new house to his dear wife. 

Innaya:- ( to Varsha ) see maa, I told you right that….. That Nandini is behind Manik’s money. Now you see yourself, she asks for a house as a wedding gift from him. I know her type of girl, soon she will throw him out of her life after getting his everything from house to the company. 

She is trying to instigate Varsha against Nandini who is undoubtedly getting influenced by her. Varsha is so much into her that she is not ready to witness Innaya’s negative character. 

On the other side of the world, the two love birds are disturbed by Cabir who happened to be their friend. 

Manik:- ( groaned ) CABIR………..  

Cabir:- ( politely ) yes….. My brother. 

Hearing Cabir’s voice Nandini immediately pushed Manik back whose head banged with the car’s roof. 

Manik:- ( wince in pain ) ahh…… Nandini, are you mad? 

Nandini apologizes and rubs his head to soothe his pain, making him happy. Seeing his smile, Nandini scolds him. 

Nandini:- Manik….. Stop smiling and go out. What will Cabir think of us?

Manik:- What will he think is not the question Nandini….. As he already made a judgment about us and unfortunately that was true. 

Not giving him a chance to continue, she pushed him out, making him annoyed. Outside, Cabir smirks seeing Manik’s disheveled and open shirt. 

Cabir:- oh…oh… Desperate? 

Manik:- ( frustratingly ) yes!….. I am desperate. So, what? She is my wife, I am her husband. We both are madly in love and want to get intimate…… so, what? Why are you getting jealous? 

Inside the car, Nandini heard everything and palmed her face murmuring “I send him to tackle Cabir so that he won’t tease us. But look at him….. What is he doing?”. But her eyes widened more hearing Manik’s further comment. 

Manik:- you had Kaira…… so, let us make one for ourselves too, peacefully. 

Nandini heard him and blushed to the next extent. She is getting shy with the mere thought of their baby. Her blush is getting darker and darker, imaging herself carrying Manik’s blood in her womb. 

Outside, Cabir looks at him while making a bad face because his chance for teasing them is lost as Manik confessed everything boldly. 

Cabir:- Manik, you are such a spoilsport. 

Manik is already irritated and his words are adding fuel to it. Above all his wife threw him out only because of him or else he would be in heaven till now. He shoots daggers at him making him scared. 

Cabir:- Bhai, look down your eyes are scaring me. 

Manik:- really? 

Now, it’s Manik’s turn to smirk, and after that, he punches him with enough force that makes him wince. Cabir immediately ran inside to save himself from more punches. 

As soon as Cabir ran inside, Nandini came out and took the passenger seat while Manik settled down on the driver’s seat. 

Nandini:- Are you angry? 

She asked, seeing Manik’s balloon-like face, who didn’t reply and started driving. 

Nandini:- are you going to be angry when we are riding to our office for the first time in our new car on the first day of our marriage? 

Manik:- ( with a poker face hiding his smile ) Yes, I am angry but you can make it up for me. 

Nandini pouts and places her head on his left shoulder while nuzzling her nose on his cheek.

Nandini:- Is this work? 

Manik:- ( with a smile ) you can do better than this. 

With a cute pout, Nandini smiled and snuggled in his neck making him lose his senses because of her breath which was falling on his neck. Manik releases his breath feeling content having her this close to himself. Out of nowhere, he says. 

Manik:- you are my everything, Nandini……….. Don’t ever leave me no matter what the situation is. I may get impulsive sometimes but be with me to make me realize where I went wrong. I may not show but I don’…t……. ( gulping his emotions ) I don’t know how to breathe without you. 

Seeing the seriousness in his tone, Nandini moves back to have a clear look at his face and intertwines their hands. She can read the insecurities in his eyes. 

Nandini:- I am not going anywhere, Manik. I don’t have anyone except you who can love me as you do. I can do anything for you but I am selfish when it comes to you. I can’t share you with anyone. ( trying to change the atmosphere ) If you ask me to leave you…. Then, I am sorry because I will not leave you as I am hell selfish in your matter. 

Hearing her words, Manik immediately looks at her and replies without a second thought. 

Manik:- I will never ask you to leave me…… remember that. 

Saying that he kissed her hand which was intertwined with his and throughout the journey, no one pulled their hand back. 

To be continued…

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6 thoughts on “47. LITTLE MOMENTS…”


      Next update?? When will true color of inaya know everyone? Make nandani to not forgive her mother ND varsha that easily?.

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