Manik:- ( shyly ) Nandini, will you please move aside? I have to wear my clothes.
Nandini:- ( Sadly ) Why do you want to cover your body? You look fab like this. I can watch you like this my whole life.
Manik went on another planet hearing her and his blush had no end in front of her. He always tries hard not to blush but every time he becomes helpless around her. She has that aura and chirpiness that makes him fall IN LOVE AGAIN. He already had a bad love life where his partner cheated on him and on that day he took an oath to never fall in love but here he is unwantedly falling in love with her.
His expression changes when the flashes of his past relationship pass through his memory lane. It’s not like he didn’t move forward in his life or he still waits for that girl but it’s his feelings that always took him back in that memory.
Seeing him lost, Nandini calls him to get his attention. Nowadays she is becoming an attention seeker who wants only his attention. She never fell in love till now that’s why she is unable to understand those feelings, possessiveness, protectiveness for each other unlike him.
Manik wanted to name his feeling A LOVE but his experience and the fear of losing Nandini are above those feelings. He never met a girl like Nandini till now that’s the reason he didn’t want to lose her in any circumstances. Somewhere in his heart, he feels insecure about his nature and looks which also stops his heart to develop feelings for her.
He is not like any other guy. He is not a party animal, he shies away in every situation, he is not good with words, he wears specs that spoil his personality, he doesn’t know how to approach girls, and overall he is an introvert. Fear settled in his heart that no girl would accept him as her boyfriend and husband because he was not handsome and extroverted. But he forgets that these are the features that differentiate him from everyone. All these are his strengths, not weaknesses. He can get any girl because he has a golden heart. He is unaware of the fact that he looks like the most handsome guy alive on earth in that specs of his but to see his handsome face and golden heart a girl should have a pure heart which only Nandini has.
Nandini:- ( yelled angrily ) Manik?… Are you alive? Manik!…
She shooks him vigorously, making him scared for a second.
Manik:- Ya…? Why are you yelling?
Nandini:- ( sarcastically ) Because I just installed a new loudspeaker in my throat. So, checking the same.
Manik:- What! Loudspeaker? ( rolling his eyes ) You won’t change, do you?
Nandini:- ( innocently ) Why would I change? Am I not looking good? And most importantly what would I wear after removing this dress?
Manik palms his face and murmurs while walking towards his cupboard “it’s useless talking to her”. Nandini opens her mouth wide, seeing him ignoring her.
Nandini:- Manik, You are ignoring me?
Manik:- ( with horror ) Why would I ignore you?
Nandini narrowed her eyes and looked at him suspiciously, making him sweat.
Manik:- ( stammers ) Don’t……… don’t…… don’t look at me like that.
Nandini:- ( smirks ) Why? Something-something? Um…..?
Manik turns around with blush and opens his cupboard to take out his today’s outfit only to stop by his JUST FRIEND, NANDINI.
Nandini:- Manik stop! Today I will select your outfit as I have to choose a suitable dress for your coming concert.
Without arguing Manik moves aside and Nandini indulges in finding a perfect outfit for him. Unintentionally, Manik is standing just behind her back in such a way that his bare front chest is touching her back but both of them are unaware of that.
Manik takes a sharp breath and her fragrance reaches his nostrils making him shiver. He again took a deep breath only to smell her fragrance which soothes his heart. He felt relaxed and an urge arose in his heart to hold her in his arms and dived into her neck to sink in the ocean of her fragrance.

Otherside, Nandini too feels his broad bare chest on her back which is not doing justice to her mind. For the very first time in her entire life, she wants to snuggle in that chest and smells his manly aroma. Her hands are itching to rub his chest. She badly wanted to keep her forehead on his chest and snuggle in his arms like a baby but she is completely unaware of the desires which are arising around her.
The happy atmosphere turned into a hot one and their breaths are increasing at a higher pace bringing their hormones into action. Nandini closes her eyes to shoo her feelings but her stubborn heart is not letting her urge to die.
Manik wraps his left hand around her waist making her sink in pleasure while he is unaware of his courageous move. Soon he composes himself when his wet dream crosses his mind and moves back like a gentleman. Seeing his move somewhere Nandini is annoyed because of his lack of touch and at the same time she is happy to come out from that unknown zone of which she is not aware.

Within a minute, Nandini took charge of her heart and took out a decent T-shirt and a trouser for Manik to wear. He snatched the clothes from her hold with red cheeks and ran inside his washroom area to change himself.
Nandini:- ( teasingly ) You can change here. No need to go anywhere as there is no part which I haven’t seen yet.
Manik:- ( with wide eyes ) No!… There is one part which you haven’t seen yet.
Suddenly Manik realized what he just uttered impatiently and locked himself in the washroom while here Nandini looked at the closed door with horror.
Nandini:- Did the shy boy really talk about THAT PART?
Her eyes refused to leave that closed door and she herself answered her question.
Nandini:- Damn! Yes!!!………….
She blushed like a teenager which is very rare in her case. On the other hand, Manik palmed his face because of the shit which he uttered. His cheeks are red which is not even a matter right now.
Manik:- ( sulks like a kid ) What will Nandini think of me? ( scolds himself ) Manik, she will think that you are a Besharam! ( shameless ) Besharam!
Nandini:- ( yelled from outside ) No, you are not Besharm, Shy boy. Don’t think rubbish!
Manik’s eyes came out of their socket while his ears denied believing what he heard. The main question is, How did she get to know about his thoughts? DID SHE READ HIM LIKE AN OPEN BOOK?
Well outside Nandini is unknown to the fact how she understood his thoughts but she didn’t pressurize her mind on that matter. After a minute Manik comes out with a determined face not to meet her eyes but the scene in front is beyond his imagination.
His entire cupboard is empty and his clothes are scattered around his room making his room a fish market. He is a well-organized guy who hates mess but with Nandini, he learned to stay in mess.
Otherside, Nandini checked his full cupboard but didn’t find any suitable outfit for his first concert. Although it is not a grand concert according to her, he has to build his rockstar image and gain some fans which will help him in his career.
Manik:- ( with narrowed eyes ) Nandini, are you planning to sell my clothes?
He knows it was a stupid question but for Nandini nothing is impossible. If she wants then she will sell him then his clothes do not even matter.
Nandini:- Why will I sell your clothes? I am not a salesgirl! By the way, tomorrow we have to go to the mall.
Manik:- ( frowns ) Mall? We? Why?
Nandini:- ( keeping an index finger on her chin ) I am thinking of buying that mall. So, thought of taking you as an eyewitness.
Manik rolls his eyes hearing her one more sarcastic reply. Somewhere he didn’t even acknowledge her because he is unaware of her family status. He is unaware of the fact that if she wants then she can buy such malls in a second.
Manik:- I am not going anywhere with you. I will land up in jail because of being your eyewitness.
Nandini:- ( shockingly ) Shy boy, you are doubting my capabilities. I can never let you rot in jail.
Manik narrowed his eyes, making her smile sheepishly.
Nandini:- maybe you will end up in jail one day because of me but I promise that I will get you to bail a day after your arrest.
Manik:- ( horrified ) After a day?
Nandini:- ( excitedly ) Ya… we should always explore new things like being in lock-up for a day. Because we can’t have such adventures every day.
Manik:- ( innocently ) That means I will be jailed one day because of you.
Nandini:- ( with a smirk ) I will make sure of that.
Manik’s head spins, making him dizzy.
To be continued…
Awesome chappy 😁😁
Luvly update
Crazy update 🤪
A very awesome update please update next part soon
Cutest and funny chapter love it ❤️
Pls update next chap soonish 🤧🤧