The Malhotra family is currently at the shopping mall. They are spending some family time together during shopping. Nandini is doing her all-time favorite thing which is playing games in the games area. Whereas Manik and Adi doing their favorite time pass, i.e. fighting over Nandini.
Adi:- I am telling you one more last time that Mumma loves me more. So she will play with me.
Ma:- She is my wife first then, your Mumma. So I have more rights over her.
Listening to this Adi stomped his foot in frustration. He looks around and finds the crowd near them. Suddenly an idea comes into his mind and he makes a plan to irritate his father. He bent down on his knees and started crying loudly. Manik looks at him with confusion.

Adi:- ( he cries loudly and starts hitting his father like a toddler ) you are very bad …… Mumma loves me more. Say that Mumma loves me more. Say na….. dad…. please.
He cries more dramatically, gaining the attention of passers-by. Manik is still confused after seeing his drama. He knows it’s his new prank on him. He shakes his head right-left weirdly on his son’s drama.
While his anger raised hearing his demand. No way, he will never say that “Nandini loves Adi more than him”. He will never imagine this in his wildest dream. He holds Adi’s arms tightly and makes him stand.
Ma:- ( angrily ) No…I am never gonna say this in my entire life. Do whatever you want to do…………
The crowd gathered around them listening to Adi’s cry, they started gossiping about the father and son.
Man1:- look how bad he is. Not fulfilling his own son’s wish.
Lady 1: When you cannot give a good life to your child then, why did you bring them into this world?
Lady 2:- Ji… You are damn right. I don’t know what will happen to this new generation?
This gossip is still ongoing which does not affect Manik. No matter what, he will never confess that Nandini loves other people more than him. Because he knows that Nandini loves him more than anyone else and he is too possessive for her.
Seeing the crowd Nandini too moves towards them and sees her family is the center of everyone’s attention. Before she could do anything a lady mummer which was audible to everyone.
Another lady:- I think he is ( pointing towards Adi ) his illegitimate child. That’s why he is behaving like this with him.
Hearing her, both Manik and Adi shouts together on top of their tone.
Hearing them, the crowd dispersed. Both the father-son duo huffed in anger. Nandini comes towards them glaring all the time. Seeing her glares both the male Malhotra looks at each other and mummers seeing her look.

” mar Gaye “( now, we are gone )
Nan:- ( sternly ) I am waiting for you guys in the car, come fast or else I will take the car with me and you have to walk till home.
Saying this Nandini moves towards the parking area, angrily. Both the father-son duo follow her while praying.
Adi:- Dad, now what did you do? That made mom angry.
Adi gives his father an accusing look.
Ma:- don’t look at me like this. Your mom is angry because of you.
Adi:- ( confused ) what I did?
Ma:- because you just swear.
Adi got scared when the realization hit him.
Adi:- Oh….shit!!!
Ma:- once again …
Adi giggles and Manik looks at him with narrowed eyes.
Adi:- ( smirking ) don’t be so happy, dad. Mom will surely ask who taught me these words. Then??
Now it’s Manik’s turn to cry.
Ma:- ( pleading ) please my baby… Don’t tell your Mumma that because of me you learned these words.
Adi shrugged his shoulders and moved towards the car leaving his father who cried on his fate.
Nandini is roaming here and there in pure anger. She is waiting for the father-son duo to show up. But she doesn’t know that both of them are fighting standing outside on the topic of who will go inside first.
Nan:- I want both of you here, right now.
Both come instantly after hearing her. They are very well aware of Nandini’s rising temperature.
Nan:- HOW?
Ma:- ( innocently ) huh?????
Nan:- don’t try to be innocent, Malhotra. I am asking how he learned that word?
Ma:- umm…..( Sweating badly )
Nan:- ( shooting daggers at him ) after seeing your state I know who taught him this.
Ma:- trust me Nandini, I didn’t do it intentionally.
Nan:- I am not listening to Anything. Go and cook food for us, it’s your punishment.
Ma:- ( with a grumpy face ) why only me? It’s his fault too. ( Pointing towards Adi )
Adi gives him a glare for reminding his mother of his punishment.
Nan:- Go and just concentrate on your work. ( Turning towards Adi ) And you Mr. Junior Malhotra, you have to wipe the floor.
Adi- ( shocked ) whole living room?
Nan:- yes, and dare you to repeat that word. I will shoot you both on your forehead.
Both the male Malhotra nods obediently and take a note of never repeating their mistake ever again. Not at least in front of lady don ( Nandini ).
FINALLY, THE D DAY arrived when one of them is going away leaving a happy family behind to fulfill the duty for the nation. The atmosphere of the Malhotra house is so gloomy. Everyone is silent and just doing their assigned work in a robotic manner.
Everyone is standing in the living room to see off MAJOR GENERAL NANDINI MALHOTRA.
Manik made her wear her cap and dusted her shoulders proudly. She gives him his favorite smile.

Ma:- ( with pride in his voice ) you are ready to go MAJOR NANDINI. Go and serve your country.
Adi:- yes, don’t take tension about us. I will take care of your husband.
Ma:- ( glaring at him ) it’s my line.
Adi:- ( with Malhotra’s attitude ) so, who is stopping you? Say…
Ma:- ( extra sweetly ) Nandini, don’t take tension I will take care of everything including this monster too. ( Points towards Adi )
Nan:- And what about my monster?
Saying this she encircles her hands around his neck and joins their forehead.
Ma:- ( smilingly ) I will take care of your monster too.
He cups her both cheeks softly and leans down towards her pouty lips.
Ma:- one last time.
Nan:- uh…uhh…… Last time till we meet again.
She corrects him, making him smile. He looks down towards their son and says with sharp eyes.
Ma:- Adi……
Knowing what to do exactly, Adi turns around and closes his eyes with both of his hands.
Adi:- do it fast ….. Mom is getting late.
Ma:- shut up ….. and don’t interrupt.
Saying this he turns his gaze again towards Nandini who is looking at him with love. She pulls him towards her lips while holding his neck.
She raises herself a little to meet his height and captures his lips for a slow kiss. Manik gives her full access to cherish him.
After breaking the kiss both look at each other with love and passion. Manik cups her cheeks lovingly.
Saying this he kisses her forehead making her smile. They are both lost in their world. No one wants to come out from their land but the little naughty Adi is running out of patience.
Adi:- Dad, leave my Mumma. She doesn’t have enough stamina to cope up with you.
Hearing him, Nandini immediately pushed Manik back. He made a bad face on this. He didn’t like the way she pushed him or how his son interrupted his lovely moment.
Ma:- I hate you both.
Both the mother and son giggled and spoke together.
Manik laughs at their stupidity and takes both of them in a hug.
Nan:- ( emotionally ) goodbye…
Ma:- don’t say goodbye. Say I will come back soon.
Nan:- ( smiling ) I will come back soon. Because I love you guys a lot and I can’t stay away from you for so long.
Then she took her bag and went out of the door. Manik and Adi look at her till she vanishes. Not able to handle it anymore, Adi hugs Manik’s legs.
Adi:- ( while sobbing ) why does she always have to go? Why can’t anyone else do this job in her place? I want my Mumma with me.
Ma:- sh….. Don’t say that. It’s your mumma’s decision to serve our country. No one forces her to do so. And we should give our support to her in every situation.
Adi:- why can’t you stop her from doing so. It’s too risky.
Ma:- because my baby, I am just her husband, her better half, not her god. I have no right to make any decision for her. It’s your mom’s life so she has all rights to choose what is good for her or not. I love her, that’s why I let her do whatever she wants to do. And the main reason is that she loves her country the most.
Adi:- I didn’t understand.
Saying this he pouts exactly like Nandini does, making his father smile amidst tears.
Ma:- You know, we always fight on the topic to whom Nandini loves the most and she never gives any answer to us. ( Adi nods ) you know why? ( Adi shakes his head ) because she loves her nation the most. Her priority is always her duty towards her nation. You know what I like the most, the way people give her respect. I love it when someone recognizes me as MAJOR NANDINI’S HUSBAND.( giggles lightly ) I love when people come to me and say that your wife is doing a great job. Sometimes they say my daughter also wants to join the army because of your wife. Your wife is an inspiration for my daughter and so on…. At that moment I feel so proud of her and feel blessed to be her husband.
Adi:- Dad, when I grow up I will also make you proud by joining the army.
Ma:- ( ruffles his hair ) No….. Adi makes your motherland proud. Make your mother proud, Not me. I am nothing in front of your mom. What she is doing, it’s beyond my imagination. So be like your mother, not like me.
Adi:- ok… From now on, my aim is to protect my country like my Mumma.
Ma:- yup!!!!! Now, you have to do your homework.
Adi:- ( crying dramatically ) I hate homework.
Ma:- but you have to do it. Come on, don’t be a lazy ass.
Adi:- hawwww I will complain to Mumma that you again used a bad word.
Ma:- ok… Then I will also complain to your Mumma that you are not doing your homework.
To be continued…